Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis of Publication Venues

Drunken Boat

"We accept submissions ONLY via this system. We do not read literary submissions sent to the editor’s address. We do not read submissions sent via snail mail. The exception is made for artwork or other media which the online system cannot support. Those can be sent to the address.

Please read the following guidelines:


  • General: Please submit literary work as a Word .doc (Not .docx), ,rtf or pdf. We cannot read submissions in other formats.

  • Poetry: No more than three poems per submission. No more than two submissions per year.

  • Fiction & Nonfiction: No more than 5000 words, unless you first query the genre editor via the above editor’s address.

    You can expect a reply in about 3-4 months. We regret that, due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to give personalized criticism.

    Call for Submissions: First Peoples, Plural: Drunken Boat is now accepting submissions for its “First Peoples, Plural” folio, to debut in issue #13 this winter. We will be considering poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, visual art, sound art, video art, and web art by indigenous people worldwide. Our goal is to present a wide scope of work from a wide scope of people. Works might explore native identity and aesthetic (and their evolution), family, spirituality, sexuality, passing, othering, exoticism, and the media. Please indicate the genre of your piece in the comments section.

    Call for Submissions: The Bernadette Mayer Folio: Bernadette Mayer's writing experiments, from the 1970s to the present, challenge artists to change the world. We are looking for art and writing that responds to this notion and/or to Bernadette Mayer. Your response can be written, performance-based, filmed, recorded, visual. We seek responses through any medium, and encourage media projects. Consider ways in which your response might operate at the intersection of conceptual art, performance and experimental work. Deadline: April 15, 2011

    Make sure to add editor AT to your Contacts or "Safe List" to ensure that our response will reach your Inbox."

  • Presentation:
    -  analysis of the editors description of essays accepted in the journal/magazine: Unique, real life, odd and very personal.

    - description of several representative essays published in the targeted venue; this description should take into consideration:
    • subject matter - Very different types of non-fiction stories. (i.e The Red Shoe Episode)
    • voice/tone – Pretty serious and satirical (i.e The Empathic Traveler)
    • form - It varies in form especially in length. Some of the stories are cheerful while some were dark and gloomy.
    • artistry – They could be described as being very surreal and unique.
    • length: Fiction & Nonfiction: No more than 5000 words, unless you first query the genre editor via the above editor’s address.