Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Let's think about this....

When I think of an "I" essay, I think about a story written from your own point of view; through your own eyes. Any story that has meant something to you. A story that you also have an emotional attachment to. I think that to write a certain type of an "I" essay, you must take a moment and rewind back to any moment that has affected you in way shape or form. I believe that is the main ingredient to writing an "I" essay. As for ideas? I have a couple.

- My travel experiences that I've had since I was 11 years old. I love traveling and so does my older sister so we she started to take me with her on her journeys each summer. I've seen everything you could possibly imagine in different countries, states and cities. These experiences had shown me a lot of what is truly out there in the world. This affected me in so many ways because I not only helped people but I obtained so many skills in traveling from place to place.

- The experience that I had with my very first long-term relationship. We were high-school sweet hearts but after 3 years had gone by, our relationship was far from sweet. I was always the kind and quiet type of person until he had come around. I believe that this experience had changed me completely as a person.

- After my horrible relationship, I had an amazing relationship that to however end because it was the right thing to do. This relationship had changed me in that it taught me what a good and healthy relationship was. That all men weren't just crazy, evil men waiting to hurt you.

I think that these 3 experiences stood out more than any other one i have had in the past. The affect that each experience had, really made me into the person I am today, I think. Of course I'm still brainstorming :)

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